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Developing the App

This bold project will create a worldwide network for sightings of beached and stranded whales and dolphins. 


This will be particularly helpful for strandings that might otherwise go unreported (such as in countries where there are no stranding networks in place); it will also save researchers valuable time by having the data readily accessible.


Why cetaceans need our help


Experts still do not know why cetaceans strand, so to find solutions for whale and dolphin strandings scientists and researchers need more data. One way to achieve this is the creation of an app that can catalog photos of stranded whales and dolphins, anywhere in the world. 


All funds raised for this project will be initially used for the creation of an app that will allow people to post photos of stranded whales and dolphins. By using GPS information from smartphones and other devices, we would be able to record the date and location of the stranded marine mammal which would then be automatically entered into a database. This database will then be made available and accessible to everyone.


Sound is one of the biggest problems for marine animals, and sonar has conclusively been demonstrated to cause whales and dolphins to strand. There are also other threats that cause cetaceans to strand, such as disease and sickness. The database will allow researchers to correlate animal strandings with a probable cause. This in turn, will prompt global action and protection for whales and dolphins.  

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